Tuesday, September 11, 2012


who are they???
who are the people that we should classify as our neighbors...

kalau ikut definisi jiran masa belajar Kajian Tempatan darjah 4 dulu, siapa yang boleh kita kata jiran ni adalah 40 buah rumah dari rumah kita...itu dinamakan jiran...anda semua ingat siapa penghuni 40 buah rumah tu??

of course we can't remember all of the neighbors... but if their house just nearby just try to be nice to them,,,, try to know them... hehe.... i wrote this entry because i finally realize that it is important for us (the neighbors) to have a good relationship so that we can help each other when we are in difficulties... ahh senang citer laa....during wedding time... usually we dont have enough space to put the Canopy if we did not have a good relationship...with our neighbors...ko hingat dyorg nk ksk ltk kanopi tuh dpn rumah dyorg.... certainly not....right???

in Islam also mentioned about the neighbors... we need to be good with our neghbors... and the neighbors have the right that we should done... 

'..dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa, kaum kerabat, anak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, jiran tetangga yang dekat, jiran tetangga yang jauh, orang musafir yang terlantar dan juga hamba yang kamu miliki'.

(surah An Nisa, ayat 36)

besides.. knowing the neighbor is one way to increased our network. yer laa... kate laa kite ade problem dgn cukai... bwatnyer jiran kite nih org lhdn x ke sonang jadik keje... haha....bttoi x?? i just wrote the entry because i had realize that i basically had ignored my responsibility to know my neighbors all this while... i haven' t been to their open house because i was basically too lazy to go... and for the reason that i don't know anybody when i go there... but... then i realize... yer laa.. if i don't go i will never ever be able to know my neighbors and they also don't know me because i don't mix around with them... right?? so... this year i will make a new start... to know my neighbor... soo i attend the wedding and the open house... see... i now know that my neighbors also took accountancy course like me...and one of them took radiography...so.... maybe i will need their help in the future... who knows??? so be good to your neighbors.. respect them... and love them.... take my advice ... it is freee... haha...  

 sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud: 

'Jibrail berkali-kali mengingatkan aku (supaya berbuat baik) terhadap jiran sehingga aku merasakan seolah-olah mereka akan mewarisi hartaku'.

(Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

'Wahai manuisa, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal mengenali'.

(Al-Hujurat : 13)

just enjoy the video and don't be like them... haha...

p/s dunno how to start just smile to the neighbors... it will be a good start...believe me :)

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