Wednesday, January 30, 2013

cuti-cuti malaysia part 2

 next.. from previous entry, we went to Kuala Gandah... and it is FREE...hehe...yeahh.. we do like free things right.....this is the home for the homeless elephant....for more info click this place we can ride the elephant and also shower them... but....they limit the number of visitor that can do these activities with the elephant.... *ye laa kalo semua da nk mandikan gajah tuh nak naek atas dye pengsan laa...hehe... so... let's the pictures do the talk...

then, we went to deerland....hehe....this one is not free.... it was about rm 6 per entry... if i was not mistaken.... but it was cheap... so never mind... hehe...since i just want to finish this entry fast... so... let's the pictures do the talk...

after that, food hunting... hahaa.... ok not important but since the money had so much balance we spend it to eat the king of the fruits DURIAN...yeahh... it was in season at that time....

in total the money that we had spend is only RM 50.. hehe.... yeahh we safe a lot... certainly, we are accountants of course we are able to manage our money well.. hukhuk.. and the balance of the money we spend it at funfair in Jengka.... yeahh..

last but not least.... enjoy our performance... hakhak...*tet tet... tp x jadikla... haha...x sesuai untuk tontonan umum.. hahaks maybe next time...

cepat serik

yer... itu mmg aku especially bile dlm hal yg melibatkan kasih sayang... x semestinya untuk cinta... tapi untuk kawan dan apa2 untuk perhubungan.... ak x kasik ko msk semang pula dlm hidup ak mcm dulu wahai kawan bukan kerana ak membenci... tp kerana serik... dan ak x mahu membenci, ak penat... ak x mahu bermusuh.. hidup bukannya lama... dan aku bukanlah manusia yang sabar.. sabar dengan segala kerenah ko... dulu.. ak pernah menjadi seorang yang sabar....untuk kau... tapi....sabar aku tidaklah seperti Nabi Muhammad... sangat sabar.. aku manusia biasa.... masa kite bergaduh dulu.. hati aku sakit... sakit sgt... sbb mgkin ak sayang ko kawan... tp... ak rasa cukuplah... sebab ak x mahu ia berulang lagi... ak hulurkan maaf mahu hentikan permusuhan bukan menjadikan orang yang penting dalam hidup ak mcm satu ketika dulu.... sori kalo ko terluka sebab aku membina sempadan dalam persahabatan kita... ak serik... kerana sakitnya bile sayang seseorang sebagai kawan baik dan apabila bergaduh sangat pedih...mmg aku serik...